CEO – PrivateSalesCoach client – very successfully sold his company
Healthcare & Life Science
(Recommending PrivateSalesCoach to help an early stage company of which he is a board member)
“As I introduce you to Rob, I should let you know that he has helped us from our earliest days. He has helped us build out our sales team, develop an effective sales process, as well as help us create and refine our messages. He coached us through the process as we have grown. You will find that he is far more than trainer. He will be an integral part of your journey and he has be an integral part of our journey.”
Life Sciences Company
(After the completing of sales messaging workshop)
“This was great. You are ‘black belt’ in what you do.”
Enterprise Software Company
(Assessing the progress after year of working with PrivateSalesCoach)
“You have brought a new level of professionalism to the entire organization. We couldn’t have gotten there without you. I greatly appreciate what you have done.”
Enterprise Software Company
(After a coaching session which resulting in a significant order for the company at purchase price above expectations.)
“Taking them back to their own words about value of what we are doing for them had the impact you said it would. It was very collaborate discussion and a handshake to move forward immediately. There was no dickering about price as I feared there would be.”
Healthcare & Life Science
(Recommending PrivateSalesCoach to help an early stage company)
“I’m pleased to introduce you to Rob Scanlon – an amazing sales and marketing coach… Rob is excellent and guided us through a process to understand and refine our messaging etc.”
Senior VP Sales
Enterprise Software Company
“The reps really value your advice. We need to continue your cadence with them. They would be the first to tell you that the Flight Check sessions have made real difference in their closing deals.”
VP Sales
Healthcare Company
“We continue to push ‘up-market’. The People Maps and CCLs have been critical to moving up this later. We would be stuck selling at the bottom part of the market with these artifacts and the coaching that goes with them.
VP Sales
Enterprise Software Company
“The stuff you teach about understanding what is in the prospect’s best interest, putting yourself in the prospect’s place and documenting this and their objectives are critical to our winning these multi-site enterprise deals.”
VP of Sales
Healthcare Solutions
“The CCL helps nail down the timeline.”
Sales Professional
Healthcare Solutions for Physician Practices
“The sales cycle was never this short; it was a lot longer prior to using the People Maps. The cycle decreased from 90 to 120 days to 60 to 90 days.”
Enterprise Sales Professional
Healthcare Solutions
“The CCL (Customer Communication Letter) has resonated tremendously with prospects. The People Map has been awesome. It helps identify the gaps and makes it clear who we need to reach out to help the organization achieve the goals and objectives in the CCL.”
Sales Professional – Director
Healthcare Company
(After the completing of sales messaging workshop)
” A ways back you gave me advice on how to move an agreement along once I’ve received the objection, “We are going to do this, but first we want to get through our blank implementation.” While it was unsuccessful in the original opportunity, I applied the same principle in a different opportunity with great success! The contract has closed. I’ve included the email exchange here. Thanks for your great advice. It appears you do know what you are talking about J!”
Sales Professional
Healthcare – Enterprise Software
“Just wanted to drop you a quick note…
I’ve had CCLs save me so much time internally on installations and other “fun” internal discussions. I clearly recognized its value as a customer facing tool, but now it has come full circle. I’ll never sell without them again.”
Sales Professional
Enterprise Software
(About a significant and tricky opportunity closed after a coaching session)
“Left you a voicemail yesterday after my XYZ meeting. It went extremely well and we are powering forward with an intended close date of ABC. A quote from the COO at the end of our second, private meeting:
“We have to get final approval at the GEC meeting on 6/16, but since we just voted to approve the project in this meeting and the CEO was onboard we will not have any problem at the GEC meeting. If that happens, I’ll send you the contract on the night of the ABC after the meeting.”
I want to follow up with a couple of lessons learned:
- The 5 minute pre-calls are as critical as the pitch. One of the key outcomes that I was unware of and have no control over is the conversations that happen behind the scenes by meeting attendees. It was clear the individuals who wanted this project to move forward had already spoken to the naysayers and quelled their objections. This also removes the problem of someone getting shit on right before your meeting and taking it out on the sales guy.
- Possibly the most gratifying moment was looking at my champions face at the end of meeting and seeing how proud he was. I could really tell that he felt ownership for this project that everyone know believes will make their organization better. You can’t put a dollar sign on that.
Thanks again for your assistance and I’ll continue to keep you abreast of progress.”
Sales Professional
Enterprise Software Company
“The People Map just makes it sit there right before me. It is clear what I need to do from a people strategy point of view.”
Senior Director Corporate Marketing
Major Healthcare Software Provider
“The tips and techniques you offered the sales and marketing organization – most notably the “ponds” and CCL’s – literally transformed our organization”
Senior VP of Marketing
Healthcare Software Provider
“The messaging sessions have been really great. We are using the material we developed in both our marketing campaigns and in our sales conversations – as PrivateSalesCoach calls them – “eye-ball to eye-ball conversations”. The messaging work has helped us quickly deliver accurate and sticky messages about our new strategy.”